The eagles will be as much fun to watch as the grizzlies at Brooks Falls. Thanks for all of the links. Maybe you'll get a camera up for your hawks! We've seen and heard hawks flying high over us but not nesting that we can see. We have a lot of ground squirrels in our area so I'm certain the hawks have plenty of food. I've been using the BirdNET app (also from Cornell) to identify calls (I liken it to Shazam, but for birds, hahaha). Merlin looks more comprehensive because it allows for sight identification, too. Guess what I'll be downloading as soon as I finish here? Great post. Thanks!

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We have a hawks' nest just off the back of our property in our neighbour's woodlot; it's fascinating when they fledge and come into our yard to check us out from our trees. Lucky you to see it up close and in person! I imagine the squirrels don't think so, however. I love their high skreeling call and watching them soar on updrafts.

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Amazingly cool! You’re so fortunate to have the hawks nesting nearby. And the eagles are an unexpected treat!

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